
quick tips

Slow down purchasing!

  • Hard as it might be (we’ve all filled our online carts with aspirational purchases), simply buying less is one of the most sustainable things you can do. 

    • Well, how do I do that? Building mindful habits is powerful. Before you smash the purchase button or race to the cash register, take a breath. (Or even wait a few days).  

  • Ask yourself “Do I really need this? Do I really want this? How many times will I wear this? Does this match with other things in my wardrobe? Could l find this item somewhere else without purchasing it new? Creating a moodboard for your personal style can be a fun way to identify what you will actually wear and what you should probably let go.

Instead of buying -- swap, share, mend, upcycle

  • Get creative! Pivoting away from fast fashion and hyper-consumption doesn’t mean your style will stagnate. It just means a new way of doing things. 

If you are going to buy something new, research brand practice before purchasing

Maintaining the clothes you have, with care and proper laundering practices can go a long way in extending the life of your clothes

Stay engaged!

People power, not just pocketbooks. Fashion systems are complex and interlocking. Policy regulation is a powerful way to advance environmental and social justice. Personal divestment is powerful, but it will take more to radically change current systems.   

Talk, share, ask questions, learn in community

  • It’s easier to throw a list together than maintain these habits.. It’s always easier to do things with friends than alone! 

  • Having people to talk to about these big, complex topics combats getting discouraged. Unravel can be this community! 

Give yourself and others grace.

Everyone has different circumstances. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect.